Monday, January 2, 2012

Painting Pet Portraits Whilst Parenting!

Balancing the desire for a family and run a successful small business has never been easy. Enquiries for my work started to increase after I launched this pet portraits website in 2005 as people sought that unique Christmas and birthday present. Then in October 2006 Nicola came along forcing me to take a break.

Shortly after her birth, in February 2007, my partner went into hospital to have a hip replacement involving a long period of post-surgery convalescence. In effect, for a while, I had two children to care for but we got over this and I soon got back behind the easel. Admittedly it wasn't easy with a baby which then started crawling everywhere before taking to her feet but the commissions kept coming in and the desire to paint my pet portraits again was overwhelming. However, with the help of parents, in laws and friends I managed to get going again. I would particularly concentrate on getting a few hours done in the evening in the days Nicola used to go to bed early! As she got older and started pre-school I'd make the most of the precious few hours in the morning when she was otherwise entertained.

As with most commercial artists particularly pet portrait artists the pinch points are Christmases and for me the last three have been exceptionally busy. However in the summer of 2009 I became pregnant again so the rush was on to complete Christmas 2009 orders and other non time specific requests. Leo was born in March this year. However, two months before his birth my partner's new hip of 2007 literally fell apart requiring surgery once more. As Leo was born he was in hospital then once again stuck at home recovering. We had decided that I would take a longer time to enjoy my new son.

Now, as Autumn approaches and the enquirers begin, I have taken on a selection of commissions so as not to disappoint because of the constraints on my time, focusing on impending festive commissions. It's a real juggling act with a demanding baby and a four year old with more energy than I can keep up with and more questions than I have answers for!

Again family and friends have come to the rescue. As soon as Nicola is out at school, out with her dad, or in bed, and assuming young Leo is snoozing I am back at the easel. Whether it's grabbing five minutes or half an hour I take every opportunity to paint.

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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution No Derivatives

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