Saturday, October 22, 2011

Francis de Marco - Group Exhibition of Painters Tricesimani

Meeting Francis De Marco in his studio near Udine, in the natural beauty of the ancient hills of Friuli and a tower that collects inside the works of an artistic able to renew the act sought through a planning or instinctual intellectual and emotional in which are interwoven colors, words, feelings, regrets, to emphasize a style that consists of different styles of magic in his eyes become curious and attentive musicality and poetry.

This combination, which is inseparable in his personality, translates between present and future moments of his soul lived giving pause for reflection onomatopoeic: the sounds seem to take the canvas, while the lights of a sunrise or a sunset become a "place- non-place "of the reception.
The artist welcomes and converses with the newspaper, but it does not exhaust the immediacy of the work of delicate or vigorous brushstrokes, aware that a 'will call another painting of him in either an indefinite space of a morning or l' course of a night.

Art for de Marco is the most beautiful journey is more important, an inner journey that allows him to relate and engage with others, a profound truth that the reading of his works (portraits, landscapes, visual and informal) is the essence and the essentiality of his painting. Of him also involves the dream dimension that goes far beyond the real one, because sometimes it's true.
The perfect synthesis of music and poetry is therefore the ability to translate what his eye perceives space and time: fading images depicting the many faces and feelings of human nature. Warm colors, cool, shy and bright, along with lines, points and segments make up the grammar of signs dear to the artist, who has a dowry communicability uncommon.
A chromatic scale, his, able to remember the great artists of the past, through abstraction, to the avant-garde futurism without resorting to the heavy covering of imitation at all costs.

Perhaps de Marco does not imitate even if it is taken from the same world that revolves around and never has suggested reflection but also momentum, reality and appearance, body and mind. A relentless work and precious, never irreverent, always full of new stimuli that reward her, even her style, because many are the stories and some stories seem as if the artist-child would somehow still talking to the man- artist.
So the creative fervor comes to light and artistic impulses are renewed by their very existence, but the choreography is never the same.
Now look at forever, now the waves of the sea, then will rest on the hills and wait for the 'dawn of a new day.

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